to attend my academic graduation convocation,
which held in Traders Hotel in Penang.
It was just beside of Komtar,
the historic tower in Malaysia in once upon the time.

Don't u feel it was alike those movie scenes in Harry Potter?
Everyone was wear in the robes and hoods and divided the colors,
accordingly by faculty course.
Just alike witches and wizards in Hogwarts school,
spread to houses of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.
We were lined up from the changing rooms to the ballroom too....
seems to be alike the opening of Harry Potter,
and speeches by our Professor Dumbledore,
Professor Dr. Chong.

Good luck an all the best wishes for all my dear friends,
and stay in touch!
Hope all success in the future!
Take care !

Congratulation dude! Welcome to the working world! hehe...