A day that without a coffee just like a body that without a soul. This is what everyone say when they need to wake
themselves up in the morning. Coffee is needed anytime for anyone.
For a big part, we drink coffee at anywhere, at home, at work, and on the road.
One of the most enjoyable moment for a human being is to drink their first cup of coffee in the morning.
A person daily routine does related to the coffee because else that do not drink coffee? At least you do, and i do for everyday.

"Oh, my head. Im so tired from last night because of all of the, sexual intercourse. What was i drinking last night? Oh yes, COFFEE."
7:00 am
"Some COFFEE for breakfast would be nice."
8:00 am
" I'll get a COFFEE at this stall on my way to work. "
8:30 am
" And another COFFEE from this vending machine before I start work will be nice."
10: 30 am
"HI GUYS! What should we drink for lunch? Oh, I know! COFFEE!"
12: 20pm
" YUM! COFFEE for lunch. "
"It's mid- afternoon. I need a boost. Some COFFEE will do the trick."
" OK guys I'm off now , I've got a date with
" You have beautiful eyes. Do you want some COFFEE for dessert? And then we can go back to my place for COFFEE."
" I need to sleep , I have another day drinking COFFEE ahead of me. A COFFEE will help me sleep and it will be a tasty night cap."
And that's Goodnight from us and Goodnight from our sponsor; NESCAFE. Tune in next week, when he drinks some more COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Coffee does make me alive !
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